Exporting a Keynote Presentation

Create a Keynote presentation with a slide for each event

Exporting a Keynote Presentation

Keynote is an application from Apple that helps you to create presentations. Timelines are very effective tools to use in your presentations, and Timeline 3D integrates with Keynote to make it simple to add them.

To export your timeline chart to Keynote, go to Share > Keynote Slideshow…


Select the size for your Keynote slides from the drop down menu. If you have an existing presentation that you would like to integrate with, then choose a size that matches your existing presentation.

From the Media Type menu, select QuickTime Movies if you want your slides to animate, or Still Images if you want to use a static image for each slide in order to keep your presentation file size small.

When you click OK, your computer will create a Keynote presentation and launch Keynote. You can then work from within Keynote to customize your presentation or integrate the slides with an existing presentation.

A 3D timeline in Keynote


  • QuickTime movies used for Keynote presentations are saved in ~/Movies/Timeline Exports/. They will not be deleted until you drag them to the trash manually, but be careful that you do not remove movies that are still being referenced by your Keynote presentations.